
An original half-musicgroup called SHE WOULD NEVER SAY SO

An original half-musicgroup called SHE WOULD NEVER SAY SO - put together by an actress (thats why half) and a musician.

ANNA POLI and IBY POP will perform for you funny, poetic and sometimes wild little stories, songs they call "POPŮVKY".

Each song will surprise you by the expression, theatricality, movement, character and by the costume to.

The group was invented in the year 2009 by the first song "Ment to move" since then new songs where rising and with them was developing even the way of performing them. Now it is music-dramatic comedy, geting new impulses with each show, Anna is getting more self-confidente in singing and the theatrical part of her is making an extravagant show with lots of surprises...

Original deal of both, the music, and the theater...